Santa Monica College highlights CCGAF Fellows, Aerospace engineering major Daniel Mejia and political science major Jarod Lopez.

Excerpts from the article:

“This remarkable opportunity signifies a tremendous leap toward my passion for global affairs,” Lopez said. “It fuels my eagerness to learn, expand my knowledge, and contribute meaningfully to the international community. I am truly thankful and eagerly await the transformative journey that lies ahead!”

Lopez’s personal goal is “to work as a conflict resolution specialist in areas affected by political turmoil. This fellowship will equip me with the necessary skills, cultural competence, and field experience to effectively mediate conflicts, promote dialogue, and contribute to the creation of a harmonious global community.”

Daniel Mejia stated that as a first-generation immigration student, he is “optimistic and excited about the opportunity.” “The CCGAF fellowship will provide me with the mentorship, skills, and perspective to achieve my goal of working in the research development field as an aerospace engineer/astrophysicist, investigating new avenues toward renewable energy and leveraging the power of the sun for a brighter future,” he added.